
Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Trip Down Memory Lane for my 500th post

It's taken 2.5 years, but I've managed to chock up half a millennium's worth of posts.

In the style of many US TV series, I thought I'd make this a bit of a flashback episode and remind you of some of my personal favourite postings. So, as they say on Strictly, in no particular order:

The One with Amy and Friends - I want to keep the flag flying for Amy and Friends so if you've missed my previous postings, please, if you can help them, do so.

The One with Granny - It seems appropriate on Mother's Day to remember my lovely Granny - a real, traditional highland granny who I miss so much. She was the subject of one of the very first postings way back in September 2006.

The One that was nominated for a Campaign for Gender Balance award - I found out about the nomination for this posting during the Clegg/Huhne leadership campaign about six months after the event.

The One what made the Golden Dozen

The One where I turned 40 - lovely memories of a happy day.

The Ones where Obama Won - having gone to bed enough times in my life thinking the Free World was safe and waking up to a scary Bush-related future, I refused to believe it until it was official. Stupidly, I decided to live blog the affair despite having to work the next day. Not as stupid as the Bad By-Election Boys in the Glenrothes HQ who stayed up all night and slept on the floor - and drank beer as well, but stupid enough.

The One where we went marching - an account of the Edinburgh protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza in January this year.

The One with Anna's Snow Poem

The One where we won Dunfermline - AGAIN - the blog wasn't born for Willie Rennie's spectacular by-election victory in February 2006 but this is an account of what it's like being in the whirlwind that is an election campaign. This was written mid campaign - but Jim Tolson was duly elected after a long, long night of frustration with the hideous e-counting system on 3rd May.

The One where Bob put up with me for 20 years. I am a lucky girl.

The One with Kate Garraway where she makes a tv documentary about women who breastfeed other's babies.

I love blogging and will continue to inflict my random opinions about life, the universe and Politics. Thanks to all my fellow travellers in the blogsophere who despite being of all political persuasions are generally a friendly bunch. Here's to the next 500!

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Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.