
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

My First Ever Statporn - May 2010

On the first of every month I see lots of other blogs unveil their stats for the previous month and I've never done it before. What's prompted me to do it today is not entirely that I've had the most successful month on my blog ever, by a long way, with, according to Google Analytics, 5,268 absolute unique visitors, but what they read.

Here's me, thinking that it would be the discussion of the election, the subsequent forming of the coalition or something political at least that would have been most popular but no. Well, actually, it was the post about what the Lib Dems would do to tax credits that was the most popular, but hot on its heels, much to my disgust, was the one about Lewis Hamilton and his earrings.

Here are the top 10 stories from May 2010:

1 Liberal Democrats and Tax Credits - the truth exposed

2 F1: Boy with the Black Earrings

3 Tory Candidate Philippa Stroud prayed for gays to be released from demons And this woman is now a special adviser to Iain Duncan Smith! It figures, I guess, but, yikes.

4 Why I support David Laws

5 Did I miss Labour's Holyrood Democracy Riots? on the 55% dissolution issue.

6 "There is no money left" jokes Labour as Lib Dems promise social justice.

7 Excited about Elephants in London. I want to go see them!

8 Sorry guys - I lost. That tweet from Willie Rennie that still brings a tear to my eye.

9 Digital Economy Act - ask your MP to take action..

10 New MPs warned that they could lose their seat. Hmmm. Weird Commons rules take precedence over will of people? I doubt anyone's going to test this one, though.

It occurs to me that you may have seen some of these already seeing as they were the most popular. Maybe I should add in another few of my favourites:

Sehar Shabaz - an injustice too far - the coalition has to stop this sort of thing happening.

Digital Economy Act - get your MP to get behind EDM 17 - on Julian Huppert's efforts. He's going to be an awesome MP.

Middle Aged Men in Suits - the story of the election and things to come?

Some Friendly Advice for our new Lib Dem Ministers.

Has Livingston Conservative Candidate breached Data Protection Act?

I take great pride in the fact that a fair number of people searching for UKIP Bad end up on here. Otherwise the searches are pretty predictable. I'd never have thought there were so many ways of writing Lewis Hamilton's earrings! I'm quite intrigued by the fact that someone looked for "Graeme Morrice - Livingston - Black Dog". Graeme is my new Labour MP and I have no idea as to his domestic/pet arrangements but I wonder where that one came from. "88 year old comic Caron" made me smile too. I did look in the mirror the other day and wonder when I turned into a hag, but 88 is a bit unkind. There was another one "Caron to cut welfare benefits". Whoever wrote that really doesn't know me at all. And then there was "Clegg - Livejournal - Jaffa Cakes".

It's been probably one of the most exciting months since I've started blogging. Even though I've had more time, I still haven't written half the posts I've wanted to. As unemployment and life as a struggling writer beckons, I hope that'll change.

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Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.