
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Year on Caron's Musings Part 1 - most popular posts

As it's kind of coming up to the end of the Westminster Parliamentary term, I thought I'd have a look back at some posts from the past year. I'll start by remembering the ten most popular posts as determined by Google Analytics.

They may not be the same thing as my favourite posts, which I'll cover separately.

So, in reverse order, here is the 2009-10 top ten posts:

10. My apology to David Tennant for so quickly forsaking him.

 9.  Barrichello blasts Briatore for Piquet allegations How the nicest man in F1 stood up for his compatriot.

 8.  How Tory Philippa Stroud prayed for gay people to be released from demons. If that post helped in any small way to getting Paul Burstow re-elected in Sutton and Cheam, I'm very glad. It's a bit worrying that this woman is now IDS' SpAd at the Department of Work and Pensions, but at least she doesn't have a vote in the House of Commons.

 7.  In which I point out the propensity of Tory Peter Lyburn to find hot water.

 6.  I first wrote about Torvill and Dean in February 2009, on the 25th anniversary of their Olympic triumph with the iconic Bolero. This post had a new lease of life during the Winter Olympics this year.

 5.  My review of David Tennant's final episode of Doctor Who which I found a bit disappointing

 4.  I still have fond memories of my spat with Tom Harris in which I sympathise with some of MP's complaints about the new expenses regime, but remind him that public services under Labour were not blameless and the cock ups  they made had much more severe consequences.

 3.  Liberal Democrats and Tax Credits - the truth exposed. During the election, Labour were saying we'd scrap Child Tax Credit. I thought their claims needed a rebuttal.

 2.  That post on Lewis Hamilton's earrings. I'm starting to think that  my friends click on that just to wind me up because they know how much I dislike this being one of my most popular posts of the year.......

And, finally....................

Drum roll......................

The most popular post of this year is...................

 1.  Doctor Who - The Pandorica Opens - episode review by quite a long way - and it's getting a few more hits at the moment now that the episode has just been shown in the US. I am quite chuffed that it's at the top because I enjoyed writing it.

So, for a political blog, only 4 of this year's top ten most popular posts are actually about politics! We have 3 about Doctor Who, 2 about F1 and 1 about Torvill and Dean.

There are some posts which don't feature here which I both enjoyed writing and think made a valid contribution to the debate at the time. That's for the next instalment, though.

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Thanks for your comment. As long as it doesn't libel anyone, and isn't abusive, I'll publish it. I try to respond to as many as I can, but please forgive me if I don't. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. I read and appreciate every one, even those specifically aimed at winding me up.