
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just as well I wasn't talking to a secret lover.....

Not that I have one, of course.

Although I wouldn't be likely to tell you if I did, much as I love you all.

Modern technology, if aren't careful, can let slip things you might prefer to keep to yourself. I've been caught out by it before. Remember that time I was so proud of myself that I'd got Skype working on my iPad by video so I could talk to my niece when she was on her travels last year? Well, like a mutant ravenous bugblatter beast of Traal, it hadn't dawned on me that if I could see Laura, she could see me. And I was wearing my highly unflattering pink jammies and looked, shall we say, not at my best.

Well, last night, I was travelling home on the train chatting to a colleague on my phone. As the train drew into the station, the phone seemed to go dead. I realised that the great story I'd told him hadn't got through, or at least he wasn't able to reply.

Bob had come to pick me up from the station and as I got into the car, I realised that the phone had connected itself to the bluetooth set up in the car and my colleague was still talking - but only Bob could hear him.

My poor husband was totally confused, bless him. He actually thought he had picked up some taxi driver's radio.

But there is potential for something like that to accidentally let slip some secret. For example, when we got the car, the Bluetooth thingy had about 4 different Nissan salespeople's phones paired with it. Imagine if one of them had been talking about the other as they were coming in from a test drive...

All I'm saying is be aware of what your technology does and what secrets it might unintentionally reveal...

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