Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tory Blogger says Brown looks like " paedo"

I'm sorry you have to see such offensive language on my blog, but I felt I had to draw your attention to a remark made by Tory Blogger Tory Bear who is about as cuddly as a venomous porcupine.

Just after Gordon Brown's interview with Piers Morgan started tonight, he tweeted "Brown looks like paedo."

Whatever you think of Gordon Brown, and I don't think a lot of him as PM, this is just unacceptably vile. You just have to wonder what goes through the mind of someone who can write that.

What worries me is that Tory Bear seems to be pretty much at the heart of the young Conservative glitterati. Imagine that lot anywhere near power. It doesn't bear thinking about.


Steph Ashley said...

You're so right. There are some bad, bad people on the rise.

Richard Gadsden said...

You should switch your link to which is the particular tweet.

Andrew Tibbs said...

Actually I think that @torybear's comment that GB was a "one eyed scottish idiot" was equally, if not even more offensive.

Comes to something in this world when someone starts childish name calling, by picking on their disability. Just shows that some people have no tolerance of others. I'd rather keep Labour in than have such biggots running the country now, or in thirty years.

Unknown said...

Richard, that's done. Thanks for that. Sorry to be an idiot, but how did you get that link. I've been wondering for a while how to go to the actual tweet.

Andrew, wasn't it Clarkson who said that?

Richard Gadsden said...

Click on the date and it takes you to the particular tweet.

Hythlodaeus said...

Given your subsequent post about student politics, I was wondering if you were aware of Tory Bear's (real name: Harry Cole; self-professed PR expert) history with student politics at Edinburgh.

He lost out on the EUSA Presidency after masterminding a smear campaign against his opposition, denying it then being caught out. He gets extremely cagy if you mention it, but says a lot about the man who often appears on Sky News when they need a Tory talking head.

Harry Cole said...


Mr Eugenides said...

Perhaps Tory Bear should be sent to undergo diversity training with Baroness Tonge...

Anonymous said...

And Ali Dizaei, Mr. E.

Anonymous said...

Ferkin L, Hythlodaeus, that was Tory Bear???

Unknown said...

Mr E, you and I are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but at least you have a bit of humour and class about you most of the time and there's a certain quality to your writing.

TB could learn something from you.

Anonymous said...

Mr. E is funnier than Charlie Brooker. I also think he could be mistaken for an old-style Liberal, unlike TB who bases his Conservatism on a belief in unimpeachable authority and the duty of others to accept his betterness.

And, I'm still gobsmacked to discover he's Harry Cole.


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