Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twilight Saga: Eclipse: official trailer released

A couple of months ago I wrote about how Anna and I were getting seriously engrossed in the Twilight books. I was determined that we wouldn't watch any of the films until we'd read the books. Helpfully, our local supermarket had the first movie on sale for pennies so we enjoyed watching that one rainy Saturday afternoon. The second, New Moon, which came out last November, was a bit more of a challenge. By the time we were ready to see it, it was only showing in 3 places within driving distance of here, Stirling, Dundee and Paisley. So, one Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago, we headed out.

We hadn't told Anna where we were going, just that she was getting a treat for some test result or other - I think it might have been getting her Level D in writing. It wasn't until we arrived at the Showcase in Paisley that she looked up and saw New Moon on the board. The way her face lit up was a fairly major clue that we'd made the right choice of treat. Maybe it was a bit fraudlent, though, given that I wanted to see it just as much.

Often when you see a film after reading a book, it's a huge disappointment. When you read the words put together your own interpretation of scenery, of characters, in your head and the director just doesn't get it! Or at least not in a way that satisfies you. The first two films have been done beautifully. The cinematography is gorgeous. The lush, green, damp, beautiful coastline of Washington state and its majestic mountains are enough to tug at the heartstrings of any self respecting Scot. The characters are all, well, gorgeous but in a very authentic way, or at least as authentic as you can get for vampires. There's not a silicon based life form in sight.

Then there's the soundtracks which create the perfect atmosphere, slightly supernatural, dramatic, pensive - with the obligatory Muse tracks which inspired author Stephenie Meyer.

I suppose at least the idea of getting into something way after all of your friends is that you don't have so long to wait until the next movie. In 3 months and 19 days, Eclipse hits the cinemas and today they have released the official trailer, which is below. It looks as if it's going to be just as good as the first two films.

For me the books have so much that's good and positive in them - strong families of different sorts, acceptance of people just as they are, being willing to fight against the old, traditional ways of doing things, real, proper, self sacrificing love.

I've really enjoyed sharing all this with Anna. The fourth book, Breaking Dawn, is a bit more intense to say the least, than the first three, but we got there. As I said before, I'd much rather that if she was going to read something like that we could go through the events and her reaction to them together, rather than her be traumatised by playground chat.

Anyway, if you haven't seen the trailer anywhere else, enjoy......

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