How many babies and toddlers do you think could manage to swallow these?

However, I do have it on very reliable information that they work very well broken open and mixed with Nutella. Lucky, that, then.
Too late for this time, but maybe this is something to learn for the future.......
LibDig This!
You can simply take them apart and mic the powder with water (in the right quantities).
Of course the government are not even planning to give vaccines to under three's which is absolutely astonishing.
We've been microwaving half a fun size mars bar for 20 seconds, mixing it with a little milk then dissolving the powder from the capsule in the resulting syrup and giving it to our 3 year old off a spoon. It must taste pretty foul as she pulls a face but it all goes down!
Thanks for that, Mamma.
Hope your wee one, and anyone else in your household who has it, recovers soon.
Mix the powder from Tamiflu capsules in your toddlers baby food.
The doctor will prescribe a dose meant for a liquid but the Pharmacist will adjust the dose.
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